Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Meatless Monday"

Aside from my post about sugar yesterday, another food-related goal I've decided to implement is to eat vegetarian 2-3 days a week. I originally got this idea from hearing about a movement called "Meatless Monday" ( For health and environmental reasons, many people have chosen to follow Meatless Monday, which cuts down their meat consumption by 15%.

There are a couple reasons I want to do this. Health is first and foremost. We Americans tend to see meat as the main dish and relegate vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to side dishes. In fact, diets containing high consumption of meat can lead to higher risks for cancer and heart disease. Going vegetarian even for a couple days a week can be a challenge if you still want to eat healthy. The easiest thing to do is to reach for breads, pasta, cheese, and other not-so-good-for-you items. I'm hoping that by taking this on, it will force me to be a more creative cook by having to find ways to make satisfying, tasty meals that are vegetarian and healthy.

A general note about me and the future of this blog:

Right now, I feel like I'm in a phase of active searching. I have been doing a lot of research and reading about holistic health: physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. I have become particularly interested in the interaction between Eastern and Western medicine and what the two can teach each other. What's fascinating is that the more I read, the more everything is revealed to be interconnected. I am letting instinct take over: if a certain book seems like it might be interesting, I'll pick it up; if I'm reading online and a link seems pertinent, I'll click it. More often than not, what I find somehow ties into and reinforces everything I've already learned. I realize this paragraph is a little abstract or esoteric. I can't help that now, though, because even I am not yet sure where I'm going with all of this. I hope to use this blog as an outlet to explore some of these thoughts and to share with anyone who is interested what I'm finding out. I do think I'm on an interesting path, and I hope you'll want to come along for the ride!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Various Food-Related Thoughts

Even some people who don't know me very well know that I'm a candy fanatic. Especially if it's chewy and sour (but really regardless of what type it is), I love love love candy. With start of school stress this semester, though, things got a little out of hand. Valentine's Day and Easter candy had just hit the stores and I was EXCITED. I bought two (big) bags of Sweethearts in the span of a week. I bought Sweettarts shaped like hearts. I bought Cadbury eggs and Russell Stovers. I honestly went on a mad candy binge for almost a week. As I did homework, a bag of candy was always within arm's reach on the coffee table.

Then the second week of school started and I noticed something weird. I was exhausted. Not just tired: I could barely get out of bed in the morning and I was struggling through every day. It didn't matter how much sleep I got or what time I went to bed at night. I also had no motivation to do anything at all. I felt distracted and anxious, almost depressed, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.

Then, genius me made the connection and started doing some research. Like pretty much everyone, I certainly knew sugar wasn't GOOD for you. After all, it's just empty calories. Plus, John always refuses to put sugar in his coffee or drink regular pop because of how you get an immediate "sugar rush," but have an energy crash shortly after. Sure, I knew these things. But what I found out was truly unbelievable. Not only is sugar responsible for that "crash" not long after eating it, eating too much consistently can cause or contribute to fatigue, anxiety, distraction/inability to focus, and depression. In fact, one study on rats (who apparently metabolize sugar similarly to how we do) showed that rats offered either sugar or cocaine went for the sugar. This included rats who had already ingested cocaine and had become addicted to it. Even they still picked sugar! (Forgive me for not citing this study, I can't remember where I found it and I don't feel like digging it up.) Now, I'm not suggesting that sugar is more addictive than cocaine, but this is just an example of ongoing research that suggests that sugar can have effects on the brain similar to addictive substances.

After finding all that out, I've decided to significantly cut down on sugar consumption. By this I'm referring to refined sugars and high fructose corn syrup, not natural sugars in fruit. I have had no candy or other sweets in the last week or so, and I can't even describe how much better I feel. That alone is a great motivation to stick with this.

I would caution anyone who might be interested in trying the same thing to be careful about sugars found in unexpected foods. A lot of white breads and other refined carbohydrates are full of sugars. Also, I was comparing labels at Kroger the other day for canned tomatoes, and found that Kroger brand canned tomatoes have high fructose corn syrup as their THIRD ingredient (right after tomatoes and tomato juice!). Hunts brand doesn't have any. It also makes me question the quality of the tomatoes Kroger is using if they have to add a bunch of corn syrup to get them to taste good.

Here is an article with some great tips on cutting back on sugar and having more energy generally:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Remember Me? Random Life Updates

Probably not, because, as is typical with me, I have not been updating this blog! Last semester got incredibly overwhelming beginning in about mid- to late October. I had a cite source to do for Law Review, Chad and I got started on our trial (which was November 16), I was doing work for two professors, helping the Academic Excellence Program out with Civil Procedure, desperately trying to think of a topic for my student note for Law Review, got called in for jury duty (and got in a car wreck--not my fault--on the way there!), and to top all that off, I got so sick I ended up at MedExpress where they had to put me through two IV bags before they'd let me leave because I'd gotten so dehydrated. Whew! Like I said: OVERWHELMING.

That being said, I am incredibly thankful for the people in my life who helped me during all of the above. Both my parents were incredibly supportive. My dad gave me advice on an evidence question Chad and I had about our trial and called me and texted me with encouragement while I was sick. My mom brought me her homemade chicken noodle soup (which is somehow ALWAYS better than when I try to replicate it), tons of other food, and a pillow pal, which I'd really been wanting (yes, it's a stuffed animal and I'm 23, but they're adorable). Even though John was gone for the semester, he was always in touch. Even when I'm feeling at my worst, he always finds a way to make me laugh. Chad was understanding through everything, and I know there were several times when he rearranged his schedule to accommodate my being sick while we were getting ready for trial. One of my best friends, Rob, came over to bring me medicine when I ran out and couldn't even think about going to get more. That same day, he took me to MedExpress and stayed with me the whole two and a half hours I was there on the IV, for which I'm especially grateful.

Of course, after the trial was Thanksgiving break (much needed), and then came finals. Luckily I only had three because Trial Ad was already over. At the time, I felt VERY worried about them. They seemed a lot different than last year's somehow. The time limits were brutal, and in Admin, the word limit seemed impossible. Oh, and here's another reason to be thankful: I had written down the date for the Evidence final as Tuesday of the second week of finals week. That final was actually on MONDAY of that week. Thank God that Sunday night I told Chad what I was planning to study the next day, and he pointed out that the final was the next day, or I truly would have missed it. Having one less day to study for that final was stressful to say the least.

Christmas break couldn't have come at a better time. I got to see so many people I've missed for a long time. Emily was in town, of course, and we got a chance to shop for bridesmaids' dresses (and we found one!). Ryan and Katie were in, and the two of them and I went and spent an evening at Emily's just hanging out and catching up. Sarah Bell and I had a huge marathon shopping day. We went to the mall to pick up last minute gifts, bought dresses for the Country Club's Cheer Party at Elizabeth Michaels, I got my eyebrows waxed, and we grabbed sushi. The next night, my Dad and I met Sarah and her family at the Cheer Party and we all had a great time. I also got to see Sam, Ryan, and Tabitha at a new(ish) Mexican restaurant in town for lunch. Tabs is growing up into the prettiest little girl ever.

Not only did I get to see some of my oldest and best friends, I also spent a lot of time hanging out with my family. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. My Dad made an awesome roast one night for dinner. My Mom and I watched Christmas movies, wrapped presents, and caught up. Jimmy and I went to Kroger on Christmas Eve and miraculously found a seven pound standing rib roast (on Christmas Eve!!!). We brought it and a bunch of other goodies home with us, and my mom found her favorite prime rib recipe. Jimmy's girlfriend Cassie came over a bit later. We ended up having one of the best meals I've had in a long long time. Pat came over after spending some time at an annual Christmas party he goes to, and we all ate rosemary prime rib (horseradish on the side, of course) and roasted new potatoes, citrus green beans, and cheesecake for dessert. On Christmas morning, my mom and I met everyone at my Dad's house to unwrap presents. Everyone had obviously put a lot of effort into their gifts, and I know I got some of the best presents I've ever received. Pat got me the Misto, which aerates olive oil so you can mist it like Pam; a wine stopper that seals the bottle (which I definitely needed); and a wonderful cookbook called Around My French Table (which I'll discuss in a separate post). Jimmy got me a lovely bottle of white wine and a really nice champagne for New Years. And I got a much-needed vacuum cleaner specially designed to pick up pet hair.

I spent New Years in Jackson (MI) with John and his family, which is kind of the tradition now. I took Newton with me and he behaved wonderfully. He and Bandit (John's family's dog) got along great. On New Year's Eve, we went out to a local sports bar with some of John's friends from high school and then went to his friend Phil's house. The night was a lot of fun.

When school started back up, I had a lot of anxiety about coming back. Fall semester really seemed to knock the wind out of me. It's taken some time to get back into the swing of things, but I think I'm slowly but surely getting there. Grades came back and they were better than I expected, so that relieved a lot of the worry I'd been feeling. I also decided against participating in Lugar this year. I love litigation and definitely want to join next year, but after last semester I've realized the dangers of taking on too many obligations. I made the decision not to run for Editor-in-Chief of the Law Review so that next year I have a better chance at being able to do Lugar. I do have a pretty tough class schedule (Appellate Advocacy, Business Organizations, Sales and Secured Transactions, Jurisprudence, and Criminal Procedure), but I think it will be manageable as long as I don't overbook myself on non-school-related activities.

Well, there's the rundown on everything that's been going on since I last posted. Now that I'm caught up to the present, I hope to post more often on here. Believe it or not, I haven't been totally remiss in the goals I talked about in my last posts, and I'm planning to update about that soon enough. Until then, adieu!